Ultimate windrowing performance
3 Models, 150-250 (112-186 kW) Engine Horsepower: Case IH Windrowers offer the ultimate in performance and operator comfort. With up to 250 hp power, WD windrowers handle heavy crops, wet conditions and hillsides with ease.
Draper Headers
4 Models, 25-40 ft Cutting Widths: Case IH DH3 series draper headers make quick work of big acreage, with double-knife and double-swath options. The heads are compatible with all Case IH WD3 Series II and WD4 windrowers.
Sicklebar Headers
3 Models, 14'3" - 18' 3" Cutting Widths: Case IH HDX 2 series sicklebar headers, built for heavy crop conditions, use the counter-stroking action of dual sickles to shear crop cleanly while the unique floating auger keeps the crop moving smoothly to the conditioning rolls.
Rotary Disc Headers
2 Models, 16.1 -19.3 ft Cutting Widths: Case IH RD series rotary disc headers offer quality cutting at uncompromising speed in tough crop conditions with minimum maintenance.